Total Solar Eclipse in Northeast Ohio April 8, 2024
The much anticipated solar eclipse is fast approaching us here in Akron, Ohio. Not only are we right in the path of totality, but we are a hub for expected travelers to gather from nearly 200 miles away. On April 8, 2024, there are an anticipated 32 million viewers within the entire path of the eclipse, and even more than that are going to travel to view the sun’s corona during this once in a generation phenomena.
2017 Eclipse vs 2024 Eclipse
The solar eclipse of 2024 will be different in many ways from the solar eclipse of 2017. The moon is closer to us this time of year compared to where it was located in 2017, so the path of totality is wider now than it was then. The path in 2017 ranged from 62 to 71 miles wide, and the one this year will cover a path of 108-122 miles wide. It is also passing over more densely populated areas than in 2017, resulting in about 32 million people living within the path of totality, and 150 million people living within 200 miles of this path.
Below are some basic terminology and tips for viewing the eclipse safely.
solar eclipse – when the moon travels between Earth and the Sun. The moon passes perfectly in line with the sun, therefore casting a shadow on Earth, resulting in a partial or total eclipse.
partial solar eclipse – when the moon blocks only a certain amount of light from the Sun.
total solar eclipse – when the Moon blocks all of the Sun’s light. This is what we’re going to experience in Akron and some surrounding cities. The Sun’s corona is visible to the naked eye during this time.
path of totality – the path that is created by the moon as Earth rotates, creating a trail of total darkness during an eclipse. Akron, Kent, Cuyahoga Falls and many other cities in Ohio are in the path of totality.
corona – the Sun’s atmosphere. Impossible to see with the naked eye because of the brightness of the sun. Viewers have described the Sun’s corona as looking like “loops and streamers”
Viewing Safety
If you are planning to view the eclipse from partial to total darkness, you must wear protective eyewear. In addition to viewing with the naked eye, it is important to know that a special-purpose filter must be secured to the optics of binoculars, a telescope, or camera lens. Serious injury to the eyes can occur without this filter applied.
If viewing the partial eclipse with the naked eye, (which happens directly before and directly following the total eclipse), then you must wear a pair of “eclipse glasses”. These glasses are thousands of times darker than regular standard sunglasses. If you wear regular standard sunglasses, you will damage your eyes.
ISO-Certified Eclipse Glasses
ISO-certified eyewear are guaranteed to provide you with safe viewing during the partial eclipse. You can find information regarding these sunglasses here:
Pinhole Projector
You can also choose to view the eclipse with an alternative indirect viewing method, using a pinhole projector. You can create this type of viewing device with materials you have at home.
This link provides a step by step guide on making one at home:
The most important part about using this box pinhole projector is to face away from the sun. The rays are not filtered with this projector, so looking directly at the sun with it can cause damage to your eyes.
general safety guidelines to follow while viewing the eclipse:
- It will be safe to view the total eclipse without protective lenses as soon as you can no longer view the sun with the lenses on. You will be able to remove your lenses safely and view the eclipse for the total duration of the eclipse in your area:
- Akron: 2 minutes 46 seconds
- Cuyahoga Falls: 2 minutes 56 seconds
- Kent: 2 minutes 47 seconds
- Peninsula: 3 minutes 20 seconds
- As soon as you see a little bit of the sun reappear after totality, immediately put your safety lenses back on your eyes or viewing devices or use your handheld solar viewer to look at the sun
- Remember to wear sunscreen. You may be exposed to direct sunlight for hours if you plan to watch the eclipse from beginning to end. A hat and protective clothing are important too.
Get the full list of cities in Ohio with 100% total darkness on Monday, April 8, 2024